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Regional FAW Resources - Asia Pacific Region

Check out some of our resources developed as part of our wider regional projects and work on FAW 

Video: Global FAW Experiences Webinar: US and Brazil

This webinar was held to share experiences on FAW management in the US and Brazil and was co-hosted by the Australian Plant Biosecurity Research Initiative and the ASEAN FAW Action Plan in December 2024. Two of the presentations are shared below, along with a PDF of each presentation. Furtehr information will be shared shortly.

Dr Joe Huesing, an independent consultant, provides background to FAW management in the United States of America.  Check out this video to learn more about the importance of timing, good agricultural practice, knowing the options and the economic threshold for action.
PDF copy of the presentation

Dr Fernando Hercos Valicente, Senior Scientist, at EMBRAPA in Brazil, provides background to FAW management in Brazil with a special emphasis on Biological Control Agents.
PDF copy of the presentation

The full webinar can be viewed here including status updates from Australia and New Zealand


Video: Ecological Management of FAW in Asia's Farming Systems

Find out about the critical actions smallholder farmers need to do to best prepare for a healthy and more resilient maize crop at the start of the maize season. Factors such as soil pH, fertiliser use, choice of seeds, and planting practices will be discussed in detail.

Dr Timothy Krupnik from CIMMYT/CGIAR provides a comprehensive presentation on the Ecological Management of Fall Armyworm in Asia's Farming Systems covering Invasion Biology, Ecological Management, and looking across Crop, Field and Landscape Scale management before discussing the toolbox farmers might need. 

6 Best Practices for Running Effective Trainer of Trainer Courses on FAW Control

Top tips for successful ToT courses shared and discussed by Dr Shachi Gurumayum and Dr Joe Huesing as well as other speakers and participants in our session on ToT courses


Selection of the Trainer (who trains other trainers)

Where possible choose to engage a master trainer who has in-field experience, is open-minded, has cultural and gender sensitivity, and is knowledgeable.


Ideally, a trainer is above all a good  teacher



Content needs to be easy to understand and fit for purpose for the target audience. Use concise, clear and evidence-based information. Further expert supporting materials, such as technical guides, can be provided via the internet for those seeking additional information. Simple, easy-to-follow audio/visuals can be powerful ways to connect.


Practical and relatable examples should be incorporated wherever possible into training.



Allow sufficient time for your participants to absorb the information and practices they have been taught.  There should be time for participants to demonstrate the learnings back to the facilitator and to other participants to show mastery of the skills. Build in time for last-minute changes and flexibility to react to how the class is progressing. 


For the initial training consider at least 2-3 days of training.


Selection of Participants (those you are training to become trainers.

Participants should be carefully selected where possible and be farmer-centric trainers who have strong interpersonal skills, are community-based and can gain the respect and trust of farmers 


Participants who are natural educators, storytellers, and translators in their community make good trainers.



Plan well ahead to ensure the smooth running of the event, and ensure you have the tools to teach trainers including a projector (with battery), appropriate hand-outs or links to online training, flip charts, whiteboards, notebooks, pens, etc.


Locating a good nearby demo farm or plot to demonstrate teaching concepts and IPM practices is important.  Online training will require quality videos that can clearly demonstrate practices in the field.


Continuous learning

Continuous learning is critical. Plan ahead to revisit training opportunities, offer regular refresher courses, and update trainers with new knowledge and tools by communicating on a regular basis.


Create opportunities to nurture  ongoing engagement to keep

knowledge fresh and trainers motivated.

Video: Farmer Field School Implementation for FAW Control - Experience Shared by the Philippines.

Video: Farmer Training and Programmes for FAW Control - Experience Shared by CIMMYT in Bangladesh.

More information

If you have any information or ideas on training farmers on FAW management or have any questions, please contact us at

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