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Gender Dynamics in Crop Pest & Disease 
Case Studies

Understanding the gender roles and dynamics of farming households in managing plant pests and diseases like the mango fruit fly, banana fusarium wilt, and fall armyworm in Southeast Asia

Mango and Fruit Fly


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This research project explored the gender dynamics in mango farming and focused on understanding pest and disease management practices in some areas of Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam. Household surveys and focus group discussions with men and women mango farmers identified key roles of women and men farmers in mango production activities, knowledge and awareness of fruit fly management, and involvement in farm decision-making and training.  

Research Team



National Research and Innovation Agency
  • Dr. Ir. Handewi Purwati Saliem
  • Dr. Maesti Mardiharini
  • Dr. Apri Laila Sayekti
Ministry of Agriculture
  • Rizghina Ikhwan
ASEAN FAW Action Plan Secretariat
  • Dr. Alison Watson
  • Grazelle Marren Bonacua
Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
  • Dr. Stefano G. De Faveri



University of the Philippines Mindanao
  • Dr. Emma Ruth V. Bayogan
  • Michael Angela J. Urquiola
University of the Philippines Los Baños
  • Dr. Celia D. Medina
  • Dr. Jena Joy D. Apolinario,
  • Rex Joseph D. Enabore
Provincial Agriculturist Office of Davao del Norte
  • Dr. Juliet Cristina M. Zambrano
ASEAN FAW Action Plan Secretariat
  • Dr. Alison Watson
  • Grazelle Marren Bonacua
Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
  • Dr. Stefano G. De Faveri



Can Tho University
  • Dr. Nguyen Anh Minh
  • Dr. Trinh Thi Xuan
ASEAN FAW Action Plan Secretariat
  • Dr. Alison Watson
  • Grazelle Marren Bonacua

Research Locations



Indramayu, Cirebon & Majalengka Districts in West Java Province



Samal and Talikud Islands
Davao del Norte Province



Dong Thap and Tra Vinh Provinces  Mekong Delta Region

Research Participants



  • Household survey: 95 Farmers
  • FGD: 52 Farmers



  • Household survey: 100 Farmers
  • FGD: 48 Farmers



  • Household survey: 90 Farmers
  • FGD: 72 Farmers




Men primarily handle most tasks in mango production and fruit fly management but are much less involved in fruit bagging and protein bait use. Women are more involved in harvesting, sorting, and post-harvest processes like selling, though their roles vary by region, with some contributing to fruit bagging and monitoring. Limited access to formal training may mean that women rely more on social networks for information, while men interact more with extension workers. Farmers are highly dependent on chemical pesticides and insecticides, but there is an opportunity to empower women in biopesticide production, leveraging their availability and interest in sustainable practices.



Men in Talikud participate slightly more in fruit fly management activities than those in Samal. At the same time, women in Samal are more actively involved in monitoring, using traps, and fruit disposal than women in Talikud, but their involvement is still lower than men in general.  Increased involvement of women in Samal may stem from women's exposure to training and community group participation. Most men (93%) and women (89%) respondents across both islands use chemical pesticides. Men dominate decision-making in pesticide application, crop management, and farm-related financial allocation, while women's involvement is more pronounced in household duties and financial decisions. Notably, women in Samal are more actively involved in farm activities than in Talikud.



Women play a vital role in mango production, particularly in weeding, disposing of fallen fruit and rejects, harvesting, and applying pesticides. Although their involvement in pesticide application and pest monitoring, is currently limited, some women are actively engaged in these areas, especially in decision-making. However, only around 10% of women have received formal pest management training, compared to 47% of men farmers - highlighting a significant training gap. This may explain why 71% of women respondents believe men are more knowledgeable about pest management. Women's significant contributions to household duties also impact their ability to engage more fully in IPM activities.
Links to the project summaries will be available here soon.

Banana and Fusarium Wilt

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This research project explored gender dynamics in banana farming and the management of Fusarium wilt disease in areas of Indonesia, Lao PDR, the Philippines, and Vietnam. Household surveys and focus group discussions with men and women banana farmers identified key roles of women and men farmers in banana production activities, knowledge and awareness of Fusarium wilt management, and involvement in farm decision-making and training.

Research Team


University of Gadjah Mada
  • Diah Fitria Widhiningsih
  • Dr. Alia Bihrajihant Raya
  • Dr. Siwi Indarti
National Research and Innovation Agency
  • Riska Amril
  • Tri Budiyanti
Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
  • Dr. Tony Pattison
ASEAN FAW Action Plan Secretariat
  • Dr. Alison Watson
  • Grazelle Marren Bonacua


Horticulture Research Centre, National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute
  • Bounpheng Sihomchanh
  • Dong Bouphaphan
  • Chansamone Sisouvong
  • Nouphone Khamsomphou
Plant Protection Center, Department of Agriculture
  • Pinkham Vongphachanh
  • Sonehuk Thongmyzai
Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
  • Dr. Tony Pattison
ASEAN FAW Action Plan Secretariat
  • Dr. Alison Watson
  • Grazelle Marren Bonacua


Provincial Agriculturist’s Office, Provincial Government of Davao del Norte
  • Dr. Juliet Cristina M. Zambrano
  • Irish C. Manalo
  • Ileisa Jean C. Betacura
Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
  • Dr. Tony Pattison
ASEAN FAW Action Plan Secretariat
  • Dr. Alison Watson
  • Grazelle Marren Bonacua


Plant Protection Research Institute
  • Dr. Le Xuan Vi
ASEAN FAW Action Plan Secretariat
  • Dr. Alison Watson
  • Grazelle Marren Bonacua
  • Dr. Nguyen Anh Minh

Research Locations


Sleman, Bantul, Gunungkidul
Regencies, Special Region of Yogyakarta


Saravan and Sekong Provinces, in the southern region


Municipalities of Asuncion & Braulio Dujali, 
Panabo & Tagum Cities,
Davao del Norte Province


Vinhtuong & Yenlac Districts
Vinhphuc  Province

Research Participants


  • Household survey: 106 Farmers
  • FGD: 40 Farmers


  • Household survey: 113 Farmers
  • FGD: 103 Farmers


  • Household survey: 125 Farmers
  • FGD: 42 Farmers


  • Household survey: 60 Farmers
  • FGD: 42 Farmers



Women in Bantul (lowland) spend more time in agricultural activities than in Gunungkidul (highland), where non-farm work is more common, and men spend less time on housework. Women in both regions, are deeply involved in post-harvest activities, showcasing creativity in food processing, like making banana stem chips. While men often dominate decision-making in areas such as planting and pesticide use, women play a crucial role in weeding and pest management decisions, often favouring organic methods. However, disparities in training access and recognition of women's abilities persist, especially in Gunungkidul, where perceptions of women's farming competence is a challenge.


Women in Saravan and Sekong play a key role in pest management discussions and farm decision-making, despite men often making the final decisions. Both women and men actively participate in essential farming tasks such as weeding, harvesting, and planting, with minimal gender differences in less common activities like applying fertilisers, planting cover crops, washing and disinfecting tools, and choosing different cultivars. For managing Fusarium wilt, both genders rely heavily on information from peers and pesticide sellers, with less input sought from agricultural extension officers or local organisations. While many farmers recognise Fusarium wilt symptoms, there remains a significant knowledge gap in effective disease management. Eradication of infected plants and crop rotation are the primary management practices.


Women play key roles in essential agricultural activities across four locations, with significant involvement in weeding, applying fertilizers, planting new banana plants, and removing infected plants, sometimes using chemical pesticides. Some farmers opt for cheaper alternatives like formalin for tool disinfection, while others use herbicides like glyphosate to eradicate infected plants. Despite efforts, some attempted to control fusarium wilt with fungicides, only to find them ineffective after investing resources. While men believe that they have more prominent role in pest and disease management and decisions on varieties, women are actively involved in critical decisions like farm financing. Interestingly, women often rely more on input suppliers for TR4 and pest management information than men, followed by agricultural extension workers. However, women have limited access to training, often due to household duties.


Women play a significant role in banana production and management, particularly in decision-making and hands-on tasks, though they are less involved in pesticide application. In Vinhtuong, women’s participation is notably higher than in Yenlac in post-harvest activities, harvesting, selecting cultivars, and waste disposal, while men in Yenlac are more involved in planting, applying pesticides and fertilisers, and weeding. Training opportunities also differ by location, with Vinhtuong showing a lack of access for both genders. Limited access to smartphones and internet connectivity further hinders women’s engagement with modern agricultural practices. Men reported using social media and government information sites, particularly in Yenlac.
Links to the project summaries will be available here soon.

Fall Armyworm and Maize

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This research project explored the gender dynamics in maize farming and fall armyworm management in Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, the Philippines, and Vietnam. Household surveys and focus group discussions with men and women maize farmers identified key roles of women and men farmers in maize production activities, knowledge and awareness of FAW management, and involvement in farm decision-making and training.

Research Team


Plant Protection Technology Research Development and Pest Diagnostic Office
  • Oeurn Samoul
ASEAN FAW Action Plan Secretariat
  • Dr. Alison Watson
  • Leandra Fernandes


Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • Dr. Y. Andi Trisyono
  • Ratna Rubiana
  • Valentina E. F. Aryuwandari
ASEAN FAW Action Plan Secretariat
  • Dr. Alison Watson
  • Leandra Fernandes


Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
  • Khonesavanh Chittarath
ASEAN FAW Action Plan Secretariat
  • Dr. Alison Watson
  • Leandra Fernandes


National Crop Protection Center / University of the Philippines, Los Baños
  • Dr. Barbara L. Caoili,
  • Catherine E. Lee-Pascual
  • Maureen Ceres dL. de Roxas
  • Sarah Jane B. Manaday
ASEAN FAW Action Plan Secretariat
  • Dr. Alison Watson
  • Leandra Fernandes


Vietnam National University of Agriculture
  • Dr. Tran Thi Thu Phuong
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
  • Dr. Hoang Anh Tuan 
ASEAN FAW Action Plan Secretariat
  • Dr. Alison Watson
  • Leandra Fernandes

Research Locations


Provinces of Tboung Khmum & Kandal


Grobogan, Central Java & South Lampung,


Vientiane City, Provinces of Vientiane, Xiengkhoung &  Sainyabouri


Provinces of Isabela & Quezon


Provinces of Phutho, Sonla & Daklak

Research Participants


Household survey:
60 Farmers
FGD: 28 Farmers


Household survey:
60 Farmers
FGD: 42 Farmers


Household survey:
194 Farmers
FGD: 140 Farmers


Household survey:
64 Farmers
FGD: 30 Farmers


Household survey: 
90 Farmers
FGD: 66 Farmers







Highlights and links the to project summaries will be available here soon.
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